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We had a glorious Christmas Day + I thought I’d share a few snaps from the day.  Now, I don’t like to share photos of my family – I’m too much of a cyber-safety ‘freak’ for that!!  So, you’ll mostly get my food snapshots.  Yes, I take photos of food…  a part of me says that’s quite tragic, but another part of me says it’s a beautiful thing!
Now, for my Northern Hemisphere readers, these photos will be a bit odd, but we have Christmas in the summer here in Oz, so salads + seafood are often the order of the day!

my new bike!  thanks dh! [terrible photo, but I had to share – I am so excited about my new toy!]

hmmm, what could this be??? such clever wrapping – how could anyone guess?? :} 

freshly dug ‘pink-eye’ potatoes – straight from our veggie patch + into the roasting pan!

 roast veggie salad – yum, yum, yum! 

bbq’d pork + mango – more yumminess!

spit roasted chook [the back story here is that I only attempted to roast my first chicken about 3 years ago, so I’m still really impressed with myself everytime I roast a chook!!] 

+ for a twist on tradition, we finished off with my dh’s famous violet crumble cheesecake with a few festive extras [choc + fresh blueberries] perfect!

 So, that was our day – perfect weather, lots of wonderful, thoughtful gifts, phone calls + delicious food. 

I hope your day, was equally memorable + warm!


Wendy ;]


Our new veggie patch is beginning to bloom with life!  Spring is springing, the tiny peach and apple trees are blossoming – it’s wonderful!  My dd took some photos in the afternoon sun, + I must say I am very proud of her efforts!

Isn’t she a clever trevor??!! ;]

Ohhh, I do love technology, but sometimes, I could just toss it out the proverbial window!!!  Our computer technician has been to my house more than my friends have been in the last month!!! 

 We’re now in the process of transferring information, details, setting, & all the rest from old computers to this new, now fully functioning (??????) computer… It’s quite a circus – 3 computers, 2 screens & more cables than a sunspension bridge!!!  We will get there… eventually!!  I’m looking forward to a tidy desk, with one reliable computer + screen…{sigh}…. 

However, while I’ve been ‘offline’, we’ve been having a most wonderful time in the real world!!

We’ve had friends and family come to stay with us, who’ve not made the plane trip down to us before, so it was a real treat!! I think the travelling ‘adventure’ was a bit offputting, but I hope they’ll consider a return trip!!

Here’s a few photos from our touristy activities –


Thanks for coming down to visit us guys!! Much Love 2 u all!




I love to cook, & quite often I’m just amazed @ how lovely the combo of colours looks – esp with a glisten of extra virgin olive oil!

Tonight, I was inspired to photograph my roasted rosemary + native pepper  potatoes (before they’d been roasted, of course!! I would have taken an ‘after’  photo too, but we were all too hungry!!)



We had a Public Holiday recently, & we ‘went exploring’.  DH took us to a convict coal mine ruin about an hours’ drive from home & we had a wonderful day.  It always amazes me that these awful establishments are in such stunning locations! 



My darling husband is usually chained to an Office Desk, but recently he got to work for his brother-in-law, contract harvesting grain.  Lots of hard work, but so satisfying!  Cleared the cobwebs away, that’s for sure!!


Here’s a few photos he took – I can’t wait to get them into an all printed & into an album – gr8 bragging rites!! ;]










Now she's bloggingit!
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